Infertility Support Group Blog: St. Louis

What do we do in Infertility Support Group? Well, we talk, we laugh, we SUPPORT. Sometimes we just sit and chat, sometimes we eat at a fun restaurant, sometimes we catch a movie, sometimes we go to Walgreen's en masse to help our newest member find the appropriate Often we share Dr. information, insurance information, adoption information, natural remedy information, helpful articles and scriptures. The most fascinating thing I have found about the support group is that I didn't know I needed it until I had it, and my sisters and friends poured solace into wounded places I didn't know I was harboring.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Inviting Guest Bloggers

One thing that I really want to focus on with this blog is that I want it to be a forum for more voices than just mine. I am relatively new to the wholes infertility journey, and still know so very little. I know only my own situation, and little details I pick up from others when chatting...

But little details really aren't enough to speak with power and authority about so many of these subjects- so I am asking women that I know to write short essays/ thoughts about the circumstances and situations that are familiar to them thru personal experience, and then allow me to post them on the blog. Hopefully you will start to see these entries soon. Some will be anonymous, and some will be credited where I have the authors' permission to do so. However, I will be sure to change the font or something so readers can easily differentiate a guest post from my own meanderings.

Infertility is a situation that affects women from all walks of life and at all ages. As one dear friend expressed to me today, it is a pain which never altogether leaves, even when the years of childbearing have passed, or other children have joined your family.  I hope that by including guest posts as a regular part of this blog you will be able to hear the ring of truth and authenticity echoing through their words as they speak of difficult decisions and trials, and of deep personal loss. And as they universally testify that our Father in Heaven is mindful of our every sorrow, and that 'Joy Cometh in the Morning,' Our Savior waits with us however long, and dark our night may be - and although dawn arrives at different times for every circumstance, it will always come.

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