Infertility Support Group Blog: St. Louis

What do we do in Infertility Support Group? Well, we talk, we laugh, we SUPPORT. Sometimes we just sit and chat, sometimes we eat at a fun restaurant, sometimes we catch a movie, sometimes we go to Walgreen's en masse to help our newest member find the appropriate Often we share Dr. information, insurance information, adoption information, natural remedy information, helpful articles and scriptures. The most fascinating thing I have found about the support group is that I didn't know I needed it until I had it, and my sisters and friends poured solace into wounded places I didn't know I was harboring.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Get Thee to a Fertility Doctor

Although most OBGYN's recommend waiting 12 months to see if you get pregnant before seeing a fertility specialist, IMO (in my opinion) there is no harm in jumping the gun a little.  Especially if you want A LOT of babies and you are not getting any younger!

Take charge of your medical health! TELL your OB you WANT to be referred NOW to a fertility specialist - most of the time they won't say “no” point-blank.  If they do, request it again, monthly. Squeaky wheel and all that. Keep in mind that it often takes 6-8 weeks to get an appointment with a fertility specialist. If they categorically refuse, switch OBGYNs. Since infertility is often a time-sensitive situation, working on solutions simultaneously where possible is a good idea! (not simultaneous treatment methods, to clarify, you only want to be pursuing one route of treatment at a time to give it a chance to be effective).

Getting your bloodwork done and having hubby get a semen analysis are essential first steps, and relatively cheap, quick, and simple. It will not HURT you to get these tests done, if everything comes back A-OK just smile sheepishly and get on with the baby-making. However, if there is an issue, better to know sooner rather than later. These tests can quickly determine if your infertility has a simple fix, or an easily identifiable cause. They can also determine if a more serious medical condition is underlying the infertility, one that may need to be addressed right away.  Please, please do not ignore problems with your menstrual cycle or continuous miscarriages. Find out WHY.  Having a fertility work up done cannot hurt you, but it can identify a potential problem, and get you started on solving it without wasting any more time. If we had waited out our standard 1 year before seeing as specialist, we’d just be that much farther behind the curve now.

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